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Resurrecting the dead...

Oy Vey!!!  Long time since posting a solid update!  If you follow along then please accept my appology for tardiness.  Good news is that I haven't been slacking....  Lot's going around here lately, but the first item up on the "Done Platform" is the complete restoration of an Atlas Model 618 lathe.  Why? Well it's a cool piece of equipment and I really wanted something small and tame for Maxwell to learn on.  It was actually in pretty good shape from the get go but I couldn't leave well enough alone...  Here's a few snappies of the project!

From where we started....Timeless Classic.....All Painted up and look'n spiffy!Quick change tooling... A major improvement!

Complete with a new fangled frequency drive!When it's all said and done, a little treat for me! ;-)